Trade Secrets

Taylor & Edelstein provides a complete line of IP legal services for all of your needs related to trade secrets.  For example, we can assist you with the following:

  • Analysis of potential trade secrets, such as manufacturing processes, client lists, methods of doing business, etc.
  • Analysis of determination whether to maintain proprietary information as a trade secret or protect with a patent.
  • Analysis of trade secret issues related to former employee(s) now working for a competitor.
  • Full opinions related to infringement and/or validity issues associated with client trade secrets or competitor trade secrets.
  • Preparation of agreements related to trade secrets, such as confidentiality/non-disclosure agreements, and license agreements relating to trade secrets, know-how and other proprietary information.
  • Analysis of potential trade secret infringement actions by third parties.
  • Enforcing trade secret rights through litigation in state courts.