Patent for Orthopaedic System with Medial Pivoting Insert

Taylor IP obtains patent for client WM Innovations LLC on an Orthopaedic System with Medial Pivoting Insert

This patent is for the invention of a type of knee implant designed to better replicate the natural movement of the knee. In summary, it has an insert that allows a “medial pivot” movement, which is like a natural rotation around the inner (medial) side of the knee. This mimics how a real knee moves when you walk or bend.

It is also designed to allow the thigh bone (femoral component) to rotate in a way that feels closer to a real knee’s movement. It also helps keep the implant stable by reducing the chance that it could shift forwards or backward, which could otherwise cause discomfort or complications.

In short, this implant design is all about creating a more natural, stable, and comfortable movement, aiming to closely replicate how a real knee joint functions.

Patent for Orthopaedic System with Medial Pivoting Insert
Published On: October 29, 2024

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